Awaken Your Inner Healer | Women’s Restorative Retreat

Come join us for an empowering journey and discover an oasis of wellness and healing through guided hypnosis and meditation.
Learn to connect with your true self and transform your life into the one you truly want at the Women’s Restorative Retreat at Ste. Anne’s Spa being held October 28 & 29, 2024. You’ll be guided by Hypnosis Healers to tap into your deepest desires and innate inner healing power to break down mental barriers for a more fulfilling, happy life.
So many of us are weighed down and stuck. Our inner critic can be harsh and unrelenting. Hearts, bodies and souls ache. In this age of overwhelm, disconnect and sensory overload, where can we turn for guidance, acceptance and healing?
Hypnosis can help you reach deep within to recognize and release what’s holding you back, to be transformed and energized. Our recent May restorative retreat was an overwhelming success and an incredible group of women came away changed and rejuvenated through guided healing meditations, yoga, group hypnosis, sound bath, guided nature walks and more.
“Hypnosis healing is a powerful tool of healing because lasting changes can be made to overcome emotional blockages, negative core beliefs and self-destructive behaviours, trauma and physical ailments,” explains psychotherapist and hypnotherapist Robin Dewhurst.
Our subconscious mind is very powerful and hypnosis can re-write, reorganize and re-remember who we really are: “We are powerful beings of light and love and fully capable of healing ourselves. It calls us to remember, taking us out of powerlessness and allowing us to create change within ourselves,” says Robin, a facilitator at our upcoming retreat and member of the Hypnosis Healers, a group of powerful wellness experts focused on emotional and mental wellbeing.
Certified hypnotist Julie Cass uses this modality to help clients emotionally heal from limiting beliefs that can create a lot of stress and confusion and pull them out of alignment or away from their true SELF.
“Hypnosis is used to help with many things such as increased confidence, increased sense of self-worth, gain clarity on many things in life, healing on all levels, heals fears and phobias, helps with addictions,” says Julie, founder of The Positive Change and a co-facilitator of our upcoming retreat.

“We are simply the guide – each and every one of us has the ability to heal when we give it the right environment,” says Julie, a master life coach.
Robin and Julie invite you to embrace the moment of connection and the creation of a new purpose. “Imagine being completely focused on creating a meaningful life for yourself while your brain rests in a highly receptive state that can reprogram all of the impact that your previous hurts, fears and shame have had on your mind and body,” says Robin.
We can all benefit from this healing practice. Our world can be very shame-based at times, engulfing us in an unknowable level of fear. Robin says this limits our ability to find joy, success, trust and a level of peace that is our natural state and that we are all entitled to know.
Come find the peace you deserve – there are just so many benefits from hypnosis healing:
- Releasing trauma
- Physical healing
- Stop smoking
- Improve weight and health
- Feel more confident
- Manifest a life you want to live
- Find joy and peace in yourself and your life
- Connect with Spirit/ past life regression
In the meantime, feel the power of hypnosis on your own. Robin offers these 5 steps to hypnotize yourself for energy and renewal:
- Step 1
Get comfy, minimize distractions and maybe have soft music in the background, with no words and that you use every time you intend to hypnotize yourself.
- Step 2
Set an intent for your hypnosis. It could be relaxation. It could be clarity or peace. It could be to release old emotions or hurts and you could set an intent that they work up from your toes – through your body, releasing at the top of your head, along with all of the stuck energy that has held there. It could be dreaming into a life you want to manifest and create. Remember this is a powerful state.
- Step 3
Focus on intensely relaxing all of your muscles by moving from toes to forehead/eyes, holding them tight and releasing and relaxing them one at a time.
- Step 4
Focus on a fixed point about 2 feet away and above your mid-sight and keep focusing, keep focusing, allowing your eyes to blink but not close, as they get more and more tired allow them to close for longer periods of time until you can let them rest.
- Step 5
Now just allow, be receptive to whatever your subconscious wants to deliver. Remember, you can’t do this wrongly. It is just meant to be how it is. And be sure to practice, often.
Come learn and practice many wellness modalities at our two-night, all-inclusive Women’s Restorative Retreat in October. Don’t miss out on this special journey – spots for our last retreat filled up incredibly fast.