
A Beginner’s Guide To The Chakras

A Beginner’s Guide To The Chakras
Chakra Activation at Ste. Anne’s

Looking for a gentle and restorative activity to help with your mental wellness? At Ste. Anne’s Spa starting May 1st we will be offering Chakra Activation as part of our new wellness schedule rollout. In this class, we focus on the seven main Chakras, balancing and unblocking each one by practicing poses that encourage energy to flow.

But what are chakras?

Chakras (meaning “wheel” or “disk”) while having become more popularized in modern yoga culture, the concept originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC.

Chakras are essentially energy centres in the body, which should stay unblocked, aligned and spinning properly. When you reflect inward, you can start to recognize insecurities in your body and restore it with its respective chakra.

What are the seven main chakras?

There is said to be more than 100 chakras, however there are seven main ones:

  • Root Chakra

    Location: Base of the spine

    Colour: Red

    Meaning: Physical identity, survival, grounding

  • Pelvic/Sacral Chakra

    Location: Below belly button

    Colour: Orange

    Meaning: Sexuality, reproduction, creative life

  • Solar Plexus Chakra

    Location: Upper abdomen

    Colour: Yellow

    Meaning: Self-esteem, inner power

  • Heart Chakra

    Location: Centre of chest

    Colour: Green

    Meaning: Love, compassion, forgiveness

  • Throat Chakra

    Location: Throat

    Colour: Blue

    Meaning: Voice, communication

  • Third Eye Chakra

    Location: Between eyes

    Colour: Indigo

    Meaning: Intuition, sixth sense

  • Crown Chakra

    Location: Top of head (hovering above crown)

    Colour: Violet or white

    Meaning: Awareness, freedom, enlightened

In order to open and balance your chakras, it is important to consider additional tools such as diet, body posture (asana), breathing and meditation.

At Ste. Anne’s we also use custom blends of essential oils to help balance your chakras. Essential oils are thought to access the information within each chakra centre and help direct energy to help with healing and personal development.

To learn more about all of our new wellness centered activities at Ste. Anne’s, please click here.

Relaxation awaits.