
Preparing For The Clocks To Go Back

Preparing For The Clocks To Go Back

Are you dreaming about the upcoming time change? “Falling back” and gaining an extra hour of sleep sounds glorious.

Cozied under the covers, especially when it’s chilly outside, gives us the warm fuzzies. Embrace the additional ZZZs! Extra sleep leaves us refreshed and functioning better. Good sleep is vital for our overall health – sleep disruptions can have a negative effect on mood, memory and health.

The November 5th time change is easier on our bodies than springing forward in March and losing an hour’s sleep, but it still impacts our sleep-wake cycle. To help make a really smooth transition, try shifting your bedtime 30 minutes later a few days in advance, but that also means staying in bed an extra 30 minutes – if your schedule and kids allow it. Be sure proper sleep hygiene is in place (just like in our charming restful rooms): Quiet and dark, cool is best, and your mattress and pillows are comfy.

Sweet dreams may be fleeting, though. We’re shifting to shorter, darker days, which can be particularly daunting. Expect to feel snackier and more sluggish as the month progresses. When it’s dark by 5 p.m., we lose motivation to move and our moods can plummet. Netflix binging and calorie consumption are particularly tempting.

Exercise is critical to staying healthy over the long winter, so consider moving your walk or workout to the morning. That way, you’ll get a dose of morning light, reset your body clock and get energized. We know that kicking off a new routine can be tough on your own – Ste. Anne’s offers a number of wonderful wellness classes that get bodies and minds psyched up for the day, including our Sunrise Yoga at 8 a.m. If mornings aren’t your thing, find your stride with a Nordic Pole Walk at 1 p.m., or try our Evening Unwind Yoga at 6 p.m. With more than a dozen fall/winter classes, including some that are complimentary, there’s something for everyone!

Eating with care can be a bit of a challenge too. Body temperatures drop in the colder months, and cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods increase to help generate internal heat. Unrefined carbs and sugary snacks offer a quick energy fix, but then we crash – and crave another fix. It’s a vicious cycle that can lead to diminished health, weight gain and feeling down. Healthy snacking and regular meals rich in protein and fibre are satisfying, stabilize blood sugar levels and help keep cravings at bay. Snack on the healthy side with a handful of unsalted nuts, Ste. Anne’s granola or how about a bowl of stewed apples?

For meal times, warm up with hearty winter fare that’s comforting and nourishing, like a bowl of steaming soup with yummy vegetables or a hearty stew with lean meat and lots of seasonal veggies. Our new seasonal menu offerings are delicious, nutritious and healing for our bodies, minds and souls.

It’s natural to feel sad about the warmer days coming to an end. Focus on self-care and creating new experiences as seasons shift, and you’ll feed your well-being until sunny days are here again.

Relaxation awaits.