
The Benefits Of Hydrotherapy & The Thermal Cycle

The Benefits Of Hydrotherapy & The Thermal Cycle

Hydrotherapy, the use of water at varying temperatures for health purposes, dates as far back as Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. More modern hydrotherapy experiences that we see today, like the alternating of hot and cold water, are used for recovery after surgeries or injuries, to improve fitness levels, to increase blood circulation, ease pain, encourage relaxation and lower stress levels.

At Ste. Anne’s, we have six pools in our Meditative and Therapeutic Hydrotherapy (do the MATH) facility and cycling through these in a particular order can help improve muscle flexibility and range of motion, relieve arthritic and other chronic pain, fight fatigue and so much more!

Our Pools
Original Grotto Hot Pool
  • 104°
Yukon Cold Reset Pool
  • 60°
Upper Lazy River
  • 85°
Lower Falls Pool
  • 85°
Shoulder Massage Pool
  • 60°
Low Back Massage Pool
  • 104°

All are designed to improve your state of relaxation and enhance and extend the benefits of our therapeutic treatments.

Guests are encouraged to follow the thermal cycle (cycling from pool to pool) gradually warming the body and enjoying an enhanced sense of relaxation and well-being.

The recommended steps are as follows:

(please note it is essential to stay hydrated during these steps)

  • Step 1

    Begin this experience by lying horizontally in the Upper Lazy River Pool. This bath is heated between 90-95 degrees and is meant to give the effect of a river flowing over your body. This temperature is ideal for stimulating blood flow to the muscles to reduce joint pain and is a comfortable, therapeutically warm environment.

  • Step 2

    Next, move to the Below the Falls Sitting Jet Pool, which is also heated to between 90-95 degrees. After this, the Standing Jets and Waterfall Thermal Spa is where to go next. This bath is heated to between 102-104. Transitioning your body and increasing intensity will help with circulation. As well, experimenting with contrasting water temperatures can help in the recovery of musculoskeletal injuries.

  • Step 3

    Next, move to the Upper Sitting Thermal Spa, which is also heated between 102-104 degrees completes the cycle. Immersion in these temperatures will assist in relaxation and can reduce anxiety. Pregnant women should avoid temperatures above 102 degrees.

  • Step 4

    Finally, ease into the Yukon Plunge Pool to reset your core. This cold pool is between 60-65 degrees. Try for 1 minute. There are a number of benefits of cold water therapy, including a boost in immune systems, decreased soreness and the reduction of any inflammation or swelling.

Now, restart the cycle from the beginning or choose to have a period of rest in-between.

Please keep in mind that while there are many health benefits when it comes to hydrotherapy, it is important to always check with your doctor before starting new activities.  Those with health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease or low blood pressure, should speak with a health care professional before beginning any thermal workouts.

Relaxation awaits.