
Tips For A Productive & Positive New Year

Tips For A Productive & Positive New Year

Hit the refresh button in the new year. We’re not suggesting a “new year, new you” revamp, but merely small wellness reboots to restart your mind and body for a productive and positive 2024.

The season has arrived when we give ourselves an annual review and look for ways to improve. Whether it’s fine-tuning our health, our jobs, or our relationships, many of us start with a sizzle, but often, good intentions fizzle and fall to the wayside. This can be an emotional setback and have us feeling bad about ourselves.

Forget going big. Productivity and positivity can come from small tweaks to habits and initiating simple changes that are reasonable, actionable and attainable. Just jump in and boost feel-good productivity and, in turn, your well-being in the coming year.

Prioritize your health. Even the smallest changes can majorly impact your energy, focus and mood. Get good sleep and seek outdoor light as soon as you get up – stand outside for five minutes to fully wake up. Make it your morning ritual, along with hydration. Drink an entire glass of water before reaching for coffee. You’ll feel alert, awake and refreshed. Eat regular nutritious meals in the day to stay that way.

Move around. The overwhelming feeling of tackling work and life can burn us out, which damages productivity. Listen to your body and schedule short strategic breaks often, ideally outside, even for a five-minute walk. Walking will actually trigger the flow of ideas and energy. Any exercise will feed the flow of productivity and reduce mental fatigue.

Banish multi-tasking. Your brain can only do one thing at a time. Studies show you’re 25% less productive when you multi-task. Go for monotasking to get things done efficiently. List your tasks and complete essentials singly in order of importance so you’re dealing with the top three while fresh and focused. Accomplish those to-dos before beginning any others. A long list can feel intimidating, but three feels doable.

Work in your zone: We all have a “biological prime time,” when focus and motivation naturally occur in your body – and are not driven by caffeine or stress. Identify that zone by keeping a journal for a week or two and zero in on your golden hours. Doing your most demanding tasks during prime time, usually in the morning, gives you access to full brain power and creative energy. Be sure to turn off phone notifications too so you stay in this Zen zone.

Choose a positive mindset: Attitude is everything. We are our thoughts and having positive ones is a superpower. Pump up productivity by keeping a journal of your accomplishments and positive changes. Every small step is meaningful. Give yourself rewards often for progress.

Give back. Helping others motivates us to achieve even more by focusing on our gifts and multiple talents, according to psychologist Adam Grant in his book Give and Take. This “other-directness” actually pushes us to increase productivity and accomplishment.

Learn the power of visualization. Identify and visualize what feelings will come about by you achieving a set goal. Create a clear mental picture of you having achieved your goals. Replay this image regularly. The more details, the better.

Meaningful new habits come from identifying what works and addressing areas that may be draining our energy – this ensures a more productive and fulfilling personal journey. Happy 2024.

Relaxation awaits.