How we love thee… the warmth of the sun gently caressing our faces, the smell of fresh-cut grass, the sound of leaves rustling in the gentle breeze, the sight of children running gleefully through the sprinkler, and the taste of fresh fruit and vegetables, right from the garden or market. There’s also something magical about the rumblings of thunder and the crackle of lightning during a brief summer rainstorm and then watching the water evaporate from the hot pavement and the smell of that steam whilst the greenery surrounding us perks up as the water reaches deep into the earth and nourishes the roots. Some of us like getting our hands in fresh soil, gardening, pruning, and nurturing.
It’s easy to get caught up in the current of summer; and, there are important healthy habits to keep at the forefront of our minds during these warmer months.
We need to hydrate. That means a minimum of 2 litres of water per day. Infuse the water for a flavourful punch with cucumber, lemon, or berries. Make flavoured ice cubes with fresh raspberries. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as they are in season and available locally and help to support the farming community. Cucumbers, lettuce, celery and watermelon are but some Produce that will help keep you hydrated as well and stocking up on vitamin C. Speaking of vitamins, the benefits of vitamin D are plentiful. Not only does it improve our mood, but it also gives the skin a glow unknown during the cooler and darker months of the year. But remember to check UV factors, they are high these days and to lather on the sunscreen. Pop on a fashionable cap to protect your head from the rays of the sun during peak hours. Further, moisturize and help hydrate your skin with lotion after showering, before bed and whenever the need arises! Use a gentle exfoliator on the skin as well to stimulate cell growth and remove any debris. Added bonus, exfoliating also feels like a little self-massage and is invigorating!
Keep active. Go for walks or jogs in the mornings and evenings, watching the sun rise and set as the sweltering heat awakens and then recedes at dawn and dusk. Go swimming. Dip your toes in a creek. Enjoy all that nature has to offer, including outdoor practices of yoga and meditation. Stretch and care for your body as it allows you to perform these activities. If cottaging is your thing, enjoy the campfire, a paddle on the lake or river, and the stars on a clear night. The days are long, but don’t forget to get plenty of rest, even though the temptation might be to log as many hours as possible while the sun is out.
Utilize the five senses to truly appreciate your surroundings and your common sense to have the romance of summer that you deserve!